Jamshedpur Weather

"Seasons come and go and go and come to teach man gratitude."

Jamshedpur is a place bordered with scenic hills, silvery rivers, waterfalls, parks and gardens and dense green cover of trees. It enjoys a temperate climate. Jamshedpur enjoys a fairly pleasant weather throughout the year. The climate is not extreme type and so people are comfortable in all seasons. The best time to visit Jamshedpur is between October and April.


Summer Season (mid-March to June):

Summer temperature in Jamshedpur varies between 400 C to 450 C. Loose cotton clothes, an umbrella and bottle of water are a must during summer season.

Winter Season (December to February):

Winter temperature can fall to about 80 C. Sweaters are sufficient to protect oneself from the cold weather of this place. Coats can also be worn for a change. During winters, the sight of bougainvillaea, chrysanthemums, dahlias,roses and seasonal plants like petunias and pansies adds to the natural beauty and colour of Jamshedpur.Orchids and sand rose etc. can fill anyone with happiness and awe. The flowering period is during the winter months starting from September.

Monsoon Season (July to September):

July to September are months of heavy rainfall. Jamshedpur receives annual rainfall of about 1200mm of rainfall. Various species of migratory birds can be seen during this season.

Normally,the migratory birds arrive sometime in the third week of September along water bodies in Jubilee Park and Dimna Lake. It is believed that the presence of the wedge-tailed bird in the foothills of Jubilee Lake and Zoological Park is an indication to the arrival of the migratory birds in Jamshedpur. Non-aquatic birds include wage tail from Russia and red-headed bunting from Baluchistan.

Aquatic birds include common teal and shoveler from Myanmar,cotton teal and brahminy duch (locally known as lalsar) from the foothills of the Himalayas,golden plover (North Siberia), gadwal (sub-Arctic regions of North Europe and Asia), tusted pochard(North and Central Asia), mallard (Kashmir), common teal (Eastern Siberia) and common sandpiper(North Asia) .Long distance migratory birds fly in every year from North and East Siberia, North and Central Asia, Baluchistan, Tibet and Ladakh.

These migratory birds fly into the city in small groups in the beginning of November and stay on till mid-April.They bestow a lifetime opportunity for the bird-lovers and those involved in avian research to study their behavior and food habits. 

Later in November, they start arriving in larger number and their population soars over 1,500.The birds usually migrate from North to South.Birds migrate to warmer regions to avoid the heavy snowfall in October.Availability of food also guides their choice of destination.

There is fear of avian influenza (bird flu) due to intermingling of captive birds in the zoo and other birds in the city with these migratory birds. However, the concerned authorities are careful and take requisite steps to avoid that.
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